This blog will make more sense if you read it from the bottom upwards!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Links to Look At

Here's a link to Sarah Salway's Writing Journal - in particular a post on her blog that shows how she develops her ideas in a journal, and how she chooses which are the best ideas. I love the photographs of messy writing and ideas half-formed. It's a little bit similar to what I am trying to do with this blog.


  1. iam always going out and about with notebooks and what looks like scraps of paper which are very important to me but to everyone else looks like pure rubbish so have to make sure does not end up in the bin!!!

  2. Struggling for an icon for my blog and aslo how to add the final draft first then the endings after it!!

    Maybe l could use a stick of candyfloss as an icon.

  3. I enjoy Sarah's 50 word writings. Also love the journal style. I keep journals for all sorts of different things from how my garden grows to daily life...
    Maybe l will photograph my seeds developing.
