This blog will make more sense if you read it from the bottom upwards!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

The Map...

I've added a new page to my blog - The Map. If you click on the map you should be able to see the four place markers where the four parts of my story are going to be. They are fairly spread out so you might need to zoom out on the map or click and drag to move it around to see them all.

Soon, there will be photographs and, if I can figure out how to do it, some film and sound too.

The instructions for geo-locating text and photographs on the map were done by Elaine and you can find them on the Out on A Limb blog if you feel like having another go at it yourself.

I'm having fun playing with this. How is everyone else getting on? My story is nearly finished but I think I'm going to keep it a secret until the launch!


  1. Hi Jenn
    good to know you`re ok and back with us again.
    I`ll try that `flickr` thing when Elaine`s here next week.Tried to have a look at it but didn`t know if I had aYahoo account or not-thick or what!(Elaine`ll help me sort that out on Tuesday)
    I tried to download that web page you gave to Louise for images,but it said page couldn`t be found.
    Have been SO lazy recently but your reappearance seems to have spurred me on. Only problem is that I seem to be maudlin at the moment- hope it`s not coming across too much in my writing.
    Want to say SO much but having difficulty in trying to be concise and precise and worried that it might be coming across as bitty disjointed and unbalanced.
    Would it be fair to say that my story could just be viewed as a narrative taster of any future writing but with it`s own points to be made- or am I talking a load of bull?
    Any advice would be welcome!
    Again-glad you`re ok now

  2. hi hope allok especially JENN wondering wether the bump has made an arrival , I think like DOREEN keep thinking of things i should be doing and hopefully Elaine can help with this flicker malarky as was a great help last time!!
    THe last few weeeks as been spent watching rather a lot of sport and what a lot of time has been wasted happy blogging to all lou

  3. Hi Doreen and Lou

    sorry I missed these comments - as you guessed, I've been in hospital a while and I've had my hands full although getting into the swing of things now!

    I will visit both of your blogs and catch up with what I've been missing. It will be really good to catch up again.

    I have moved my personal blog. It isn't at blogger any more - I'm at but it doesn't matter if you can't be bothered updating your links - I know it's a palaver. Just in case you were wondering where I'd vanished to!
