This blog will make more sense if you read it from the bottom upwards!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

The Map...

I've added a new page to my blog - The Map. If you click on the map you should be able to see the four place markers where the four parts of my story are going to be. They are fairly spread out so you might need to zoom out on the map or click and drag to move it around to see them all.

Soon, there will be photographs and, if I can figure out how to do it, some film and sound too.

The instructions for geo-locating text and photographs on the map were done by Elaine and you can find them on the Out on A Limb blog if you feel like having another go at it yourself.

I'm having fun playing with this. How is everyone else getting on? My story is nearly finished but I think I'm going to keep it a secret until the launch!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Back Online!

Sorry everyone - I've not been commenting on blogs much because I've been unwell. I am much better now though, and have been catching up with your writing and blogging all afternoon.

Even though I've not been working on my computer, I've still been working on the project. Here are some of the things I've been up to. They might give you some ideas!

  • recording audio files of me reading my stories in case these can be used on the final website.
  • looking for photographs of Birkenhead Park on Flickr with a creative commons license which means I can use them for my story. There are hundreds to look at here. As I wasn't well enough to come back to The Wirral to take my own photographs, I thought about using one of these. If you want to do the same thing, make sure you contact the photographer first and ask permission!
  • I've been thinking about the structure of my story: I've decided on f0ur 250 word flash fictions set in different areas that are linked by a journey. It's very tricky!
  • thinking about my logo. The themes of my writing are: ghosts, lost voices, the past, hidden people and ordinary things that we might not notice if we pass them every day. Barbara seems really good at coming up with icons for people. I wonder what she'd choose for me?
Thanks for being patient with me, everyone. I will be back posting at this blog again and commenting on your blog posts. If you need any help from me, you know where to get in touch.